Ministry of Education - Government of Kiribati

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Kauake Primary School in Aranuka was one of the selected pilot schools rehabilitated under the KEIP- Phase 1 PSRP.

The school rehabilation work was completed in 2012 but have just recently been officially opened in 2013.

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Ground breaking ceremony was held at Abaunamou Primary School - Teaoraereke to mark the start of the rehabilitation work for the school new classroom under the KEIP. Abaunamou is one of the selected schools on South Tarawa which will be renovated this year along with other School in the Linnix.


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MORE to COME so stay tuned..

Latest news about Education will be posted as soon as thye are ready..


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As the sun set in the East, the new and young generation of our Kiribati youth rises over the horizon and bewildered with what they see around them. 

Education is their human right and it is through education that they can learn how to face the challenges lying ahead....

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The Ministry of Education is mandated under the Education Act as a governing body responsible for educating the young children of Kiribati.

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Our smiling frontline staff are here, ready to assist you with any  problems you might have